(714) 624-2546


Property Managers - Quick service calls for all your plumbing needs!

Serving all of Orange County including Anaheim, Orange and Tustin

At Gold Star Plumbing we understand emergencies and how they can affect multi-tenant buildings and business parks. Handling a service call in a timely manner is our number one service.

We also understand that if an entire plumbing system breaks down there could be disastrous implications and inconveniences to families and/or tenants. Good and thorough communication is key and our goal is to keep property managers, landlords and tenants informed of all the work we do.

We are experienced and knowledgeable with large scale projects such as water system design and challenging repairs. Our specialty is working in multi-unit buildings and business parks that have challenging service needs.

To learn more please contact us directly at (714) 624-2546.

For 24/7 Emergency service please call the number above or CLICK HERE to request immediate service.